Friday, January 15, 2010

What It's Like

It's awesome.

The Sanger's home is, well, homey. I've acquired a new puppy friend, Tessla. She's been protective of me for reasons that Mrs. Sanger and I can't really understand, but she's sweet (when she's not attacking Java). Tess is actually in my lap right now as I'm typing. Silly dog, love her.

I'm actually loving being here. I'm excited about the prospect of a new job in a new place, but it's pretty great here in this little apartment-like bedroom I'm in. It's got a walk in closet space and my own bathroom, a couch and a coffee table, a big desk and two beds! It's cozy.

I'm also learning my way around a little bit. I've been to Seattle, Redmond, Marysville, and Silverdale so far. In Woodinville I've ventured to Redhook Brewery for dinner and beers with Johnathan and to Barnes and Nobel. Not bad for having been here not even a week yet! I think I'm better with directions that Johnathan is. He would argue about that, but it's true. I think I inherited a good sense of direction from my mom.

It's raining a lot, but I expected that. It's warmer here than it was in Tennessee, but I guess it's getting warming up there too. I'm missing friends but not in a homesick way. Before, I always wanted to be on the phone with someone, or I would wish that someone from home could be with me to experience things. Now, I'm really content and I'm living it for me. I do hope friends come to visit though. I would love that. (Hint, hint).


  1. Wow...if you know where woodenville is and can find it without google, then you have definitely become at least a little bit of a washingtonian

  2. do you have skype?/what is your name on there. i am jtbryn-holla!
