Monday, January 11, 2010

2009 Recap

This seems fun, even if you are not entertained by it.

January 2009
  • Moved in with Jacky Ritchey to St. Elmo (awesome)!
  • Finished up college ministry internship applications and began praying about WA.
  • Picked up Brian Burden at 4am from Moccasin Bend after an understated bad day.
  • Started working at Market St. Tavern.
February 2009
  • Made contact with Alan (yikes).
March 2009
  • Went to the Dominican Republic with Children of the Nations!
  • Found out my parents were separating/divorcing.
  • Accepted a position with the INN in Bellingham, WA.
April 2009
  • Met Luke at TBA climbing gym.
May 2009
  • Katie died.
  • Visited Bellingham, WA.
  • Started spending muchas amounts of time with Alan.
June 2009
  • Decided to leave for Bellingham early.
  • Made lots of summer memories!
July 2009
  • Kentucky 4th of July with MH.
  • Parents signed divorce papers.
  • Jessica moved to Maryland.
  • Ann moved away and started grad school in Nashville.
  • I left Chattanooga for the Pacific Northwest (the 15th).
  • Day 2 met Kurtis at Boundary Bay. Perfect.
  • Moved in with my host fam, the Gauthiers!
August 2009
  • Learned to love vegetables.
  • My sister got engaged!
  • Friends at home went through some hard times.
  • Got homesick and went home for 10 days.
September 2009
  • Started the internship at the INN.
  • Made amazing friends in Bellingham (mostly Emily and Patrick).
  • Met Ansel Sanger.
  • Missed home and cried a lot.
  • Saw some of the most beautiful sunsets of my life.
October 2009
  • Hiked up a mountain!
  • Left the INN.
  • Met Mama Sanger.
  • Started the job search.
  • Started to feel alive again.
  • Had a really weird Halloween.
November 2009
  • Fell in love with Seattle!
  • Decided to go home for a while.
  • Mom and Aunt Wilma came to Seattle to visit.
  • Left WA behind for some clarity.
  • Returned to Chattanooga to be with friends. Slept on a lot of couches.
  • Had an awesome unexpected reunion with Ann and Jessica.
  • Closed the Alan book.
  • MH graduated!!
December 2009
  • Made memories with my TN friends that I'll treasure for a lifetime.
  • 24th birthday.
  • Jessica left to backpack Asia. We connected over vagabonding.
  • Danielle and I realize we're leading parallel lives.
  • Got to live with Erik and Becca Dine and their adorable kids for a few weeks.
  • Had some sweet fellowship at Calvary Chapel.
  • Spent New Year's with the loves of my life.
  • Kara got married!
  • Bought a ticket back to Washington to live with the Sangers for a while.

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