Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jesus, the Bachelor, and Cliff Lee

Am I really writing this? Oh, I am.

I've been waiting on this job- this perfect-in-almost-every-way job, but it's in Silverdale. This small geographic discrepancy in where I am currently shouldn't seem like a big deal; however, I LOVE Seattle and really want to live close enough to it that I don't have to take a ferry. I mean come on, the Mariners just got a new pitcher (Lee) who is very cute and only 31 and how am I supposed to be at the games if it takes me an hour and a half to get there?! Am I a sports fan? No. (Well, in Washington I am.) But the point is that I love the city and all the Seattle-ness of it. Silverdale has the navy and retirees. I want city life, big city life. So I'm wrestling with this desire to be where I will be happy and the desire to be where I'm "supposed" to be. It's in God's hands.

I've been looking for a car. A cheap car. A good car. A pretty car. And I can't be pleased because I'm picky and without much funding. Ugh. I can hear my parents' voices in the background...

I've also been watching The Bachelor, thinking about love, and contemplating Jesus. Yes, I've been thinking about how the Bachelor, Jake or whoever he's been in the past, is or is not like Jesus. I don't know that I want to go into all of it here, but this is my line of thinking...

Personal, simultaneous relationships with multiple women. Savior, redeemer, friend, lover. The One. Will you accept this rose? Making the cut. He likes the blondes. He can fly (Jake is a pilot). Again, personal, simultaneous relationships with multiple people... I know this is weird. Am I drawn to the Bachelor because I see Jesus in this, albeit a pretty twisted and skewed version? Maybe it's just the idea of redeeming love that is resonating with me. I don't know where this is going, but maybe someone will read this and say "Wow, my thoughts don't make any sense either sometimes. I'm glad there is someone just as quirky out there blogging."

And props to my dear friend Jessica who is blogging about her Southeast Asian adventure: This Trail Needs No Blazing. It's much more interesting than this.

Friday, January 15, 2010

What It's Like

It's awesome.

The Sanger's home is, well, homey. I've acquired a new puppy friend, Tessla. She's been protective of me for reasons that Mrs. Sanger and I can't really understand, but she's sweet (when she's not attacking Java). Tess is actually in my lap right now as I'm typing. Silly dog, love her.

I'm actually loving being here. I'm excited about the prospect of a new job in a new place, but it's pretty great here in this little apartment-like bedroom I'm in. It's got a walk in closet space and my own bathroom, a couch and a coffee table, a big desk and two beds! It's cozy.

I'm also learning my way around a little bit. I've been to Seattle, Redmond, Marysville, and Silverdale so far. In Woodinville I've ventured to Redhook Brewery for dinner and beers with Johnathan and to Barnes and Nobel. Not bad for having been here not even a week yet! I think I'm better with directions that Johnathan is. He would argue about that, but it's true. I think I inherited a good sense of direction from my mom.

It's raining a lot, but I expected that. It's warmer here than it was in Tennessee, but I guess it's getting warming up there too. I'm missing friends but not in a homesick way. Before, I always wanted to be on the phone with someone, or I would wish that someone from home could be with me to experience things. Now, I'm really content and I'm living it for me. I do hope friends come to visit though. I would love that. (Hint, hint).

Monday, January 11, 2010

2009 Recap

This seems fun, even if you are not entertained by it.

January 2009
  • Moved in with Jacky Ritchey to St. Elmo (awesome)!
  • Finished up college ministry internship applications and began praying about WA.
  • Picked up Brian Burden at 4am from Moccasin Bend after an understated bad day.
  • Started working at Market St. Tavern.
February 2009
  • Made contact with Alan (yikes).
March 2009
  • Went to the Dominican Republic with Children of the Nations!
  • Found out my parents were separating/divorcing.
  • Accepted a position with the INN in Bellingham, WA.
April 2009
  • Met Luke at TBA climbing gym.
May 2009
  • Katie died.
  • Visited Bellingham, WA.
  • Started spending muchas amounts of time with Alan.
June 2009
  • Decided to leave for Bellingham early.
  • Made lots of summer memories!
July 2009
  • Kentucky 4th of July with MH.
  • Parents signed divorce papers.
  • Jessica moved to Maryland.
  • Ann moved away and started grad school in Nashville.
  • I left Chattanooga for the Pacific Northwest (the 15th).
  • Day 2 met Kurtis at Boundary Bay. Perfect.
  • Moved in with my host fam, the Gauthiers!
August 2009
  • Learned to love vegetables.
  • My sister got engaged!
  • Friends at home went through some hard times.
  • Got homesick and went home for 10 days.
September 2009
  • Started the internship at the INN.
  • Made amazing friends in Bellingham (mostly Emily and Patrick).
  • Met Ansel Sanger.
  • Missed home and cried a lot.
  • Saw some of the most beautiful sunsets of my life.
October 2009
  • Hiked up a mountain!
  • Left the INN.
  • Met Mama Sanger.
  • Started the job search.
  • Started to feel alive again.
  • Had a really weird Halloween.
November 2009
  • Fell in love with Seattle!
  • Decided to go home for a while.
  • Mom and Aunt Wilma came to Seattle to visit.
  • Left WA behind for some clarity.
  • Returned to Chattanooga to be with friends. Slept on a lot of couches.
  • Had an awesome unexpected reunion with Ann and Jessica.
  • Closed the Alan book.
  • MH graduated!!
December 2009
  • Made memories with my TN friends that I'll treasure for a lifetime.
  • 24th birthday.
  • Jessica left to backpack Asia. We connected over vagabonding.
  • Danielle and I realize we're leading parallel lives.
  • Got to live with Erik and Becca Dine and their adorable kids for a few weeks.
  • Had some sweet fellowship at Calvary Chapel.
  • Spent New Year's with the loves of my life.
  • Kara got married!
  • Bought a ticket back to Washington to live with the Sangers for a while.