Friday, July 31, 2009

A Perfect Yesterday

Yesterday I slept till almost noon then took a bus to Fairhaven. )I stopped by Avellino before boarding the bus for the barista special of the day: a grande brown sugar cinnamon latte for $2.50!) It was my first day exploring Fairhaven completely on my own. I went in almost every shop, browsing boutiques of clothes and shoes and vintage finds. There were more cafes, wine shops, kitchen shops, garden shops, some alehouses. I ended the Fairhaven excursion in Fairhaven with a stop into Archers, where I enjoyed a Fuller’s ESB on tap and the Salmon Jap Chipotle spread for the happy hour price of $8 and some change. I caught up with friends on the phone, enjoying my beer until my phone almost died. It was wonderful!
When I got back downtown, on bus #2 of the day, I came back to Avellino’s for their delicious caramel iced Americano, made with real house-made caramel. Delicious. Spent more time talking to dear friends until my phone did, in fact, give up on me. I walked up to the Ving! Playhouse with Emily Nelson and Amy to watch Paige’s modern dance show, and it was absolutely wonderful. It was hot like a country church revival in August. I kept thinking that it was like being in prayer. Like worship. It was an hour and half of celebrating the body, dance, the human spirit. We really are beautiful creatures. I felt my whole body relaxing as the show moved on. It was like a massage, and I didn’t want to do anything when it was over.
So I didn’t. I came home and ate thai food and had a glass of wine. It was lovely.

The afternoon hours today find me at Avellino, again, for free flavor Friday. Ginger snaps and air conditioning. This place is a little like Greyfriar’s too. It’s definitely brighter, in all regards, but with the tables outside and the regulars and deliciousness… It feels more and more like home here everyday. I do miss Chattanooga, and I wish so much that I could fly home for the weekend just to see friends’ faces, but it’s good to be here too. TGIF, right?

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