Tuesday, October 5, 2010

World Spins Madly On

Such an appropriate line for the last few days and weeks.

I have thirty minutes left of my workday, and I'm choosing to write. I've done so much editing that it's spilling over into my personal life- editing out people, things, ideas, places and routines. Yes, there is a time and a season for everything. But even if for just the next 25 minutes and 45 seconds, I want to create something, even a 100 word blog, and not edit anything else.

Through my job, I've learned to get right to the point. There is only space for 1,000 words, yet I get 1,750 from a writer. I've learned to cut a lot of what's unnecessary. I feel very pared down. I laugh to myself because it's this strange combination of having less but feeling a little weighed down at the same time. It's hard to let things go.

Tomorrow will be more beautiful. Some things will be different. Some things will be the same.  "The whole world is moving. I am standing still."  And that's ok.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading everything you write. I wish I could wake up every day to a blog post of yours and a fresh pot of coffee.

    I love you.
